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Features and Options of theDomain Registration System

DRS features for managing domains.
DRS features for managing contact persons.
DRS features for managing hosts.
DRS features for managing name servers.
DRS features for managing additional services.
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Creating an entirely new domain, which didn't exist in the internet so far.
The registration can be made by using the web interface or by means of an e-mail template. Independently of the method the user will receive a confirmation message with the result of the process. This allows the user to automatically maintain his databases.


Creation of a new domain based on an already registered domain. The new domain name must be available for registration, of course. All other data, like the contact data for example, can be inherited or modified.
This feature is especially useful if you want to register several variants of domain names, e.g. with and without a hyphen.


A domain that is presently being administered by a different registrar shall be managed by Knipp. The other possibility is to transfer a domain from Knipp to another registrar.
For .de domains, a transfer is called “Konnektivit�ts-Koordination” (KK). In an international context, this is known as “Changing the Sponsoring Registrar” (CTSR).

Holder change

This process has to be classified as sensitive, since in case of an erroneous modification the new holder might not be willing to give the domain back. This may result in lengthy legal disputes.
That is why the DRS treats holder changes with caution. The permission of the previous holder and of the administrative contact are being asked for via e-mail. If none of them sends his acknowledgment within seven days, the holder change will not be processed.
Alternatively to the e-mail process you can send a written confirmation via fax. To simplify your work, use the prepared form with the most important data already filled in.
Important notice: The contact data for the holder is stored in so-called contact handles. If a holder change is necessary for a single domain, create a new contact handle with the correct data first. Then use this handle and assign it to the domain. If the same contact handle is being used for multiple domains, then every modification to the contents of that handle will result in modifying the contact data of all domains that use this handle. This can be reasonable, too, if for example the legal form of a company has to be changed from Ltd to Inc. In that case the acknowledgment for every domain will be requested.


If you do not need a domain anymore, you can delete it. The DRS provides 3 alternatives for the date of deletion:
  • Immediately: The deletion will be processed directly.
  • End of the registration period: The deletion will be processed at the end of the registration period.
  • At a due date: The deletion will by processed on a particular date.
With no respect to the exact date of the deletion, either the holder or the administrative contact has to confirm the deletion. This confirmation will be requested by e-mail. That is why the stored e-mail addresses have to be correct. Very often, the user is one of the above mentioned contact persons himself, so that there are no problems with the confirmation.
If you have deleted a domain by mistake, in the case of gTLDs you can cancel the deletion within 30 days. During this period, gTLD domains are blocked for the registration by third parties. However, a considerable fee become due for this undeletion.

Contact handles

A contact handle is a short alphanumeric code that provides an alternative way to specify contact data. Once you have a handle for a set of contact data, you don't have to manually fill out the fields if you want to use the same data again. Instead, it suffices to specify a handle in the appropriate field. This saves you a lot of time-consuming typing.
The whole purpose of the process is to manage multiple domains (even thousands of them) easily. If for example the holders' phone number has changed, you only have to correct the data in a single contact handle in order to update all domains using this handle.
Important notice: The different top level domains each require their own set of handles. For example, .info handles cannot be used for .de domains, even if both handles specify the same contact data!

Contact creation

You can use the DRS to create new contact handles. Afterwards you can use them for the registration of new domains or for modifications of existing domains. A contact handle may be used repeatedly for the same domain (e.g. as holder, administrative contact and technical contact) and for multiple domains (there also repeatedly).
Knipp does not charge the creation of contact handles.
With every successful registration of a domain, a handle is being created for every contact provided during the registration process. That means that you can also manually fill every field (e.g. “first name”, “last name”, etc.) and the DRS creates a handle for this data automatically. The existing handles of a domain can be found in the DRS (on the details page for the domain).

Contact Modification

The contact data can be modified by using the web interface of the DRS If the contact is (also) used as the domain holder, the modification is considered to be a holder change and the e-mail confirmation process as described above will be initiated.
By the way, the web interface shows in which of the domains that are administered by Knipp the contact is being used. This feature adds another security measure to verify if you have chosen the correct contact.


Creation of a new contact based on an already existing one. First the existing contact has to be specifies, then the contact data can be modified in the web interface form.
This feature is especially useful if a new employee of a company has to be added. In many of these cases only the name and the e-mail address differs. This feature spares you a lot of typing and avoids errors.

Creation and modification via e-mail template

At the request of our customers, we have implemented a possibility to create contacts with the help of e-mail templates and to update existing handles that way. You can find an explanation together with an example template for the creation of a new handle in the respective template help files, e.g. in that one for .de-Domains.


A host is considered the combined storage of the name and the IP(s) of a name server in a short alphanumeric code. Not every registry uses this mechanism. It is used for .info, .biz, .com, .net, and .org domains, for example, but not for .de domains. An example for a host handle is “COHO-2412S”.
It is common practice to address name servers by their name and not by the host handle. The handles are mostly used in the background (automatically administered).


The creation is simply accomplished by entering the host name and the IP address(es) of the computer.
At Knipp, creating hosts is free of charge.
Important notice: Host handles can only be created by the registrar which operates the domain. For example the creation of the name server “ns3.microsoft.com” using the DRS will fail. This is based on the fact that the domain “microsoft.com” isn't operated by the registrar “CORE/Knipp”, but the registrar “VeriSign”. In this case you would have to contact VeriSign.


Modify the host-name or the IP address(es) of a host handle.
Important notice: The same notes as for the creation of hosts are valid for the modification.

Name server

Knipp can operate the name servers for you, if you wish. For out customers, this service is free of charge. Each domain must have at least two name servers. The first is called “Master Name Server”, the second and the following ones are called “Slave Name Server(s)”, since they receive the domain data from the Master name server automatically. Name servers should always be operated at different locations to ensure the availability of at least one name server in case of an outage of the internet connection.
A name server provides information about which computers manage the e-mail traffic for a domain and which computers provide the WWW service of an enterprise. Notice: The web pages themselves are not provided by the name server but by the web server.
The DRS provides different modes of operations, all of which can be used free of charge:
  • Domain parking: The domain will not be used for e-mail or a web presence for the time being. Anyway, two name servers have to exist (with empty contents).
  • Only Slave Name Server: You operate the Master name server, Knipp operates the Slave Name Server. For example, you operate the first name server in your company's headquarters located in Hamburg and Knipp operates the second name server in Dortmund. This means fail-safety.
  • Knipp operates Master and Slave Name Server: With this option you can easily manage the contents of the name servers by using the web interface of the DRS.
  • You operate a so-called “Stealth Name Server”: This is a hidden Master Name Server which doesn't appear in the internet. Knipp operates two Slave Name servers, which receive the data from the Stealth Name Server. One of them then acts as a Master Name Server. This option was formerly also known as “Hidden Primary”.

Additional Services

These extras are the forwarding services for both e-mails and WWW pages. Details can be found on the pages describing our large service bundle.
All these forwardings can easily be managed using the DRS' web interface.
In addition to e-mail forwarding, you can add mailbox packages (offering storage space for your e-mails) to your domain. More information on this topic can be found in the related documentation.
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