DRS Documentation
Technical Documentation
Robot Responses
Robot Result Codes
Types of Responses
Search Functions
Domain Renew Procedure
Lock and Autounlock
General FAQ
Whois Accuracy Program (WAP)
.de Domains.eu DomainsGeneric DomainsSponsored DomainsccTLDsSpecial TypesENUM
Domain Types
FAQTechnical BackgroundCountries OverviewCharacter SetsConverterExample Website
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
Redirection FAQ
Service Bundle
Price List
Application Form
Premium-Partner-Program (P3)

Documentationof the DRS Robots' Result Codes

Listing of codes for successfully processed procedures
Listing of codes for erroneous procedures
Link Info
The following table lists all the result codes that our DRS robot produces. The numeric code is given together with the appropriate textual description and the meaning of the result code.

Positive Responses (Success Messages)

Numeric code
Textual description
Command completed successfully
This result code will be displayed if an application was completed successfully.
Outgoing transfer initiated
This result code will be displayed in the scope of an unrequested e-mail, after receiving a notice regarding an application of a delivering domain transfer to another registrar.
Outgoing transfer rejected
This result code will be displayed after successfully declining a domain transfer away from Knipp at the registry. The domain is still available within the DRS.
Outgoing transfer completed
This result code will be displayed if the domain transfer away from Knipp was completed successfully. The domain is not available within the DRS anymore.
Outgoing transfer canceled
This result code will be displayed if a domain transfer away from Knipp was canceled by the gaining registrar. The domain is still available within the DRS.
Incoming transfer initiated
This result code will be displayed if a domain transfer to Knipp was successfully initiated at the registry. The domain is not available within the DRS, however, until the transfer is completed.
Registration initiated
This result code will be displayed if an asynchronous registration was being initiated at the registry. The domain is not available within the DRS, however, until the domain was successfully delegated.
Domain deletion scheduled
This result code will be displayed if the domain was successfully released for deletion, for example by using the web interface.
Domain deletion canceled
This result code will be displayed if the previously ordered deletion of a domain was successfully canceled.
Domain deleted
This result code will be displayed if a domain was successfully deleted.
Domain added to the preregistration queue
This result code will be displayed after adding the domain successfully to a preregistration queue.
Preregistration canceled
This result code will be displayed after removing the domain successfully from a preregistration queue.
Trade initiated
This result code will be displayed after successfully initiating a trade of the domain.
Command received
This result code will be displayed after successful receipt of a command that needs support staff to take action.

Negative Results (Error Messages)

Numeric code
Textual description
Parameter value range error
This result code will be displayed if the value of a field is not within the valid range of values.
Parameter value syntax error
This result code will be displayed if the value of a field does not match the basic syntactical regulations, for example if a number is expected, but letters or special characters are used.
malformed line
This result code will be displayed if an e-mail template includes an invalid line.
section missing
This result code will be displayed if one of the required sections is missing.
invalid section identifier
This result code will be displayed if an invalid section number is used in an e-mail template.
required field missing
This result code will be displayed if a required field is missing in the e-mail application form that was sent to the DRS.
invalid or misplaced field
This result code will be displayed if an unknown field is used in an e-mail template or if the field is used in the wrong section.
invalid field content
This result code will be displayed if the used e-mail template has fields with invalid content.
duplicate field
This result code will be displayed if falsely multiple occurancies of a field exist in an e-mail template.
misplaced section (sections must appear in ascending order)
This result code will be displayed if an e-mail application which was sent to the DRS does not provide the sections in ascending order.
section prohibited in the given context
This result code will be displayed if an e-mail application sent to the DRS contains a section that is not allowed in the specified mode.
a section is missing that is required in the given context
This result code will be displayed if an e-mail application sent to the DRS does not contain a section that is required in the specified mode.
One or more parameters invalid
This result code indicates, that there have been errors in one or more parameters of an e-mail application. The respective errors are listed in detail.
Authorization error
This result code will be displayed, if the customer has requested an operation that he is not authorized for.
Invalid authorization information
This result code will be displayed if the AuthInfo code which was specified in the scope of a domain transfer is incorrect; in this case, the transfer cannot be started.
Object pending transfer
This result code will be displayed if a requested operation can not be processed, because a transfer of the object (normally a domain) is already running.
Object exists
This result code will be displayed if the requested creation of an object cannot be processed, because the object already exists. For example, this code will be displayed if someone applies for an already existing domain.
Object exists as premium name
This result code will be displayed if the requested creation of an object cannot be processed, because the object is classified as a “premium name” by the registry. A special registration procedure will be required to create the object.
Object does not exist
This result code will be displayed if the requested modification of an object cannot be processed, because the object does not exist. For example, this code will be displayed if you apply for the transfer of a domain that does not exist.
Object status prohibits operation
This result code will be displayed if the requested modification of an object could not be processed, because the actual status does not allow that operation. For example, this code will be displayed if a contact shall be deleted that is still in use by existing domains.
Object busy, operation may interfere
This result code will be displayed, if the requested modification of an object could not be processed because it would effect an already running operation which modifies the object.
Campaign policy violation
This response code is returned if the DRS receives a command whose execution would result in a violation of the rules imposed by a currently running marketing campaign. For instance, a (free) 1-year registration of a .info domain is only allowed if the registration is done in the course of the corresponding campaign; the used registrant handle may only be used in 25 domains for this purpose. If any of these rules are violated, this error message is returned.
Object not delegated
This result code will be displayed, if a .de domain was registered but not delegated (i.e. made available to the public) yet because of a missing/erroneous name server configuration.
Object not updated
This result code will be displayed, if the designated modification of a .de domain was declined by the DENIC, based on missing/erroneous name server configuration.
Incoming transfer rejected
This result code will be displayed, if a requested transfer of a domain to Knipp was declined by the present registrar.
Command failed
This result code will be displayed in general error cases. Additional result fields provide more detailed information on the cause of the failure.
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