DRS Documentation
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Robot Responses
Robot Result Codes
Types of Responses
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The responses and messages of the DRS robot

Possible responses in reaction to customer applications
The procedure for transmitting results of time-consuming operations
Messages you will receive from the DRS without prior request
Link Info
In the following, the different types of responses and messages are listed which are generated by the DRS robot. It is also explained under which circumstances the response is given and an example of what the response might look like. The exact meaning of the keys and the possible values can be found here.

Reactions to applications(e-mail template/web interface)

If you send an e-mail application form to the DRS, e.g. to request the registration or the transfer of a domain, you will receive a response of the DRS robot with the result of the application. The same is true for applications which can not be carried out directly (e.g. when starting a domain transfer).

Syntactical errors in the e-mail application form

If syntactical errors are ascertained by the parser already, e.g. missing fields or fields including invalid values, an appropriate message describing the errors will be sent. In the example below the country field was falsely filled with "GERMANY" instead of "DE" in section 2 of the application form. Besides that the required phone number is missing:
### DRS Response

result.code: 20001
result.msg: Command syntax error
result.1.section: 2
result.1.key: country
result.1.code: 20206
result.1.msg: invalid field content
result.1.value: GERMANY
result.1.line.no: 43
result.2.section: 2
result.2.key: phone
result.2.code: 20204
result.2.msg: field missing

Domain registration

The result of a successful registration usually looks like this:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1067340658616
domain.name: ixpos.com
result.code: 10000
result.msg: Command completed successfully
ns.1.name: ns1.myns.de
ns.1.id: HOST-XYZ1
ns.1.role: primary
ns.2.name: ns2.myns.de
ns.2.id: HOST-XYZ2
contact.1.type: registrant
contact.1.id: C-12345
contact.2.type: admin
contact.2.id: C-12345
contact.3.type: tech
contact.3.id: C-12345
contact.4.type: zone
contact.4.id: C-12345
Apart from the overall result of the domain creation, the response usually also contains information on the involved contact handles and name servers.
For example, the result below can be expected if the applied domain already exists:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1062101424074
result.msg: Object exists
result.code: 23002
result.1.code: 23002
result.1.msg: Object exists
result.1.value.1: ixpos.com
result.1.key.1: domain
For .de domains, there is the particularity that a domain can possibly be registered but not delegated, if the name server configuration was not set up correctly. This means that the domain can not be used yet and the customer has to configure the name server correctly within a period of one month; otherwise the domain will be released to be registrable by others. The appropriate DRS response includes the result code 23300, which is dedicated to this situation, as well as an information according the domain's date of deletion provided in the "nested" key-value pair expire.date: 2003-11-28T23:00:00.0Z
### DRS Response

reference: WebInterface-20031029-112626-216
domain.name: organisierdich.de
result.msg: Command completed successfully
result.code: 10000
result.1.code: 23300
result.1.msg: Object not delegated
result.1.data.1.key: expire.date
result.1.data.1.value: 2003-11-28T23:00:00.0Z
result.1.data.2.key: domain.name
result.1.data.2.value: organisierdich.de

Start of a domain transfer to Knipp

The successful start of a domain transfer to Knipp will be communicated as follows:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1067505306299
domain.name: acme.com
result.msg: Incoming transfer initiated
result.code: 10310
If an error occurs when starting a transfer, the DRS response provides indications of the failure. In the example below, a transfer for the appropriate domain is already underway.
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1067343198996
domain.name: acme2.com
result.msg: Object pending transfer
result.code: 23000
result.1.code: 23000
result.1.msg: Object pending transfer
result.1.data.1.key: domain.name
result.1.data.1.value: acme2.com
The start of a transfer results in a failure, if the authorization information to initiate the transfer (AuthInfo), which is required by most of the registries, is invalid:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1066986246900
domain.name: acme3.info
result.msg: Invalid authorization information
result.code: 22002
result.1.code: 22002
result.1.msg: Invalid authorization information
result.1.data.1.key: domain.name
result.1.data.1.value: acme3.info

Completion of a domain transfer to Knipp

The DRS will inform you about the successful completion of an incoming domain transfer by an appropriate notification of success:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1067505306299
domain.name: acme.com
result.code: 10000
result.msg: Command completed successfully
ns.1.name: ns1.myns.de
ns.1.id: HOST-XYZ1
ns.1.role: primary
ns.2.name: ns2.myns.de
ns.2.id: HOST-XYZ2
contact.1.type: registrant
contact.1.id: C-12345
contact.2.type: admin
contact.2.id: C-12345
contact.3.type: tech
contact.3.id: C-12345
contact.4.type: zone
contact.4.id: C-12345
A successfully started domain transfer to Knipp can result in a failure, if for example the present registrar declines the transfer; in this case an appropriate answer would be as follows:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1067505306299
domain.name: acme.com
result.code: 23302
result.msg: Incoming transfer rejected

Results of asynchronous operations

Application for a .de domain

The .de registry completes domain registrations asynchronously, that is the result of a domain application cannot be determined immediately, and may possibly not be available until hours later. Therefore the DRS's first response to an application of a .de domain is only a message about the initiation of the process:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1063716677292
domain.name: acme.de
result.msg: Registration initiated
result.code: 10320
After accomplishing the operation, another notification will be sent that reports the result, e.g. in case of success:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1063716677292
domain.name: acme.de
result.code: 10000
result.msg: Command completed successfully

Application for a ccTLD domain

Some registries still require manual interaction of the support staff. Similarly to the above case of .de domains, the result of a domain application is possibly only available hours later. Therefore the DRS's first response to an application of such a domain is simply a notification that the command has been received and processed successfully:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1063716677242
domain.name: acme.co.uk
result.msg: Command received
result.code: 10360
After support staff has initiated the actual registration of the domain at the registry, a corresponding message will be sent:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1063716677292
domain.name: acme.co.uk
result.msg: Registration initiated
result.code: 10320
After accomplishing the operation, another notification will be sent that reports the result, e.g. in case of success:
### DRS Response

reference: TemplateEMailProcessor-1063716677242
domain.name: acme.co.uk
result.code: 10000
result.msg: Command completed successfully

Unrequested DRS messages

In certain cases the DRS has to send e-mails, even if they are not a direct or indirect response to a customers' application. These "unrequested" DRS messages also include a machine-readable part.

Start of an outgoing domain transfer

If the DRS receives a notification by a registry that indicates the transfer of a domain, it will send an e-mail to inform the respective customer. In the following example, the transfer of the domain acme.com away from Knipp was started. The deadline information says that the customer has to acknowledge or decline the transfer until 4.11.2003 11:10h. If the customer does not react in this period of time, the transfer will automatically be acknowledged.
### DRS Response

domain.name: acme.com
result.msg: Outgoing transfer initiated
result.code: 10300
result.1.code: 10300
result.1.msg: Outgoing transfer initiated
result.1.data.1.key: deadline
result.1.data.1.value: 2003-11-04T11:10:24.546Z

Completion of an outgoing domain transfer

The successful completion of an outgoing transfer will be notified by a separate e-mail:
### DRS Response

domain.name: acme.com
result.msg: Outgoing transfer completed
result.code: 10303
The same is true for the case that the customers declines the transfer:
### DRS Response

domain.name: acme.com
result.msg: Outgoing transfer rejected
result.code: 10302
Even if the transfer is being canceled by the gaining registrar, a notice is being sent:
### DRS Response

domain.name: acme.com
result.msg: Outgoing transfer canceled
result.code: 10303
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