FAQTechnical Documentation
DRS Documentation
General FAQ
Whois Accuracy Program (WAP)
Domain Types
OverviewIDN ExtensionsIDN character setFAQWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.de Domains
OverviewIDN ExtensionsFAQWhoisRegister OnlineE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration TermsThe .eu Code of Conduct
.eu Domains
.biz.com/.net.info.name.orgNew Generic TLDs
Generic Domains
Sponsored Domains
Template Help
.ac Ascension Island
.af Afghanistan
.ag Antigua and Barbuda
.at Austria
.au Australia
.be Belgium
.bz Belize
.ca Canada
.cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands
OverviewRegister OnlineE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.ch/.li Switzerland and Liechtenstein
OverviewFAQWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.cn China
.co Colombia
.cx Christmas Island
.cz Czech Republic
.dk Denmark
.es Spain
.fi Finland
.fr France
.gg Guernsey
.gl Greenland
.gr Greece
.gs South Georgia
.hn Honduras
.hm Heard and McDonald Islands
.hn Honduras
.hu Hungary
.ie Ireland
.il Israel
.im Isle of Man
.in India
.io British Indian Ocean Territory
E-mail TemplateTemplate Help
.it Italy
.je Jersey
.jp Japan
.ki Kiribati
.kg Kyrgyzstan
.la Lao People's Democratic Republic
.li Liechtenstein
.lt Lithuania
.lu Luxembourg
.lv Latvia
.md Moldova
.mn Mongolia
.ms Montserrat
.mu Mauritius
.mx Mexico
.nf Norfolk Island
.nl Netherlands
.no Norway
.nu Niue
.nz New Zealand
.pe Peru
.ph Philippines
.pk Pakistan
.pl Poland
.pm St. Pierre and Miquelon
.pt Portugal
.re Reunion Island
.ro Romania
.ru Russian Federation
.sc Seychellen
.se Sweden
.sg Singapore
.sh St. Helena
.su Former Sovjet Union
.tc Turks and Caicos Islands
.tf French Southern Territories
.tl Timor-Leste
.to Tonga
.tr Turkey
.tv Tuvalu
OverviewFAQWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.tw Taiwan
.ua Ukraine
.uk United Kingdom
OverviewWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.us United States of America
.uz Uzbekistan
.vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
.ve Venezuela
.vg Virgin Islands (British)
.vn Vietnam
.wf Wallis and Futuna Islands
.ws Western Samoa
.yt Mayotte
.za South Africa
Special Types
FAQE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
FAQTechnical BackgroundCountries OverviewCharacter SetsConverterExample Website
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
Redirection FAQ
Service Bundle
Price List
Application Form
Premium-Partner-Program (P3)

Domain query

Notice: After sending a query, you will be forwarded
to the »Global Whois« site.

General information on .uz domains

The information in the table below has been arranged with highest care. But there can be no warranty that it is up-to-date and appropriate. Registration regulations and their interpretation can be modified by the registry concerned without prior announcement.
Top Level Domain Name
Domain names can be registered by Knipp below
Admitted domain holder
Admitted number of domains per domain holder
Admitted domain names
All domains which are not forbidden by the basic restrictions

Order information and application form for .uz domains

Application form
Please complete the domain application form and send it via e-mail to ccTLD@knipp.de. The fill-in instructions provide helpful information about the data required to complete the application.
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