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Instructions for filling out the e-mail application formfor ENUM domains

Follow this link to the e-mail application form.
This page describes the most important parameters of the e-mail application form. The respective parts of the template are shown within a colored area, with helpful comments located below them. Self-explanatory parameters like email will not be mentioned here.
The e-mail application form is intended for experts and the automated processing by robots. You will need technical experience to fill out the form, e.g. to give the correct information in section 6. If you are not sure about the meaning of all the terms, you should use the comfortable web interface of our DRS.
The form is divided into multiple sections:

E-mail application form

Introduction (section 0)

#   |       |
#   | knipp |                        Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
#    -------
All the lines beginning with # are comments and can be ignored. These lines are only used to improve structure and readability. The same is true for blank lines. They are only used to clearly arrange the form and can be added or deleted arbitrarily.
         section: 0
The application form is divided into several sections. Each section forms a chapter by itself and is separated from the other chapters by the key section. Do not remove these lines.
          doc-id: appli-en-enum.txt
         version: 1.0.0
Is required for further processing by Knipp. Please do not delete.
You can insert any text you like here. This text will be quoted in all of the responses of our system. This allows for an easy recognition and classification of your applications by your robots, if you want to automatically process our responses.
You might want to use this field to indicate reference numbers of your customers, for example, or a contract number, etc.

Registration data (section 1)

           section: 1
          language: de
With the mode-parameter you can define if you wish to perform a new registration ( mode: new), a transfer from another registrar (a so-called “Konnektivitätskoordination” - coordination of connectivity, mode: kk), an update ( mode: update), or a deletion ( mode: delete). An update can be used to modify the contact data or to change the WWW forwardings, for instance. If you leave the mode-parameter empty, a new registration will be initiated.
Important: If you choose mode: update you must fill out all sections, not only the parts to change. For mode: delete, only the sections 0, 1, 7, and 8 may be filled. The sections from 2 to 6 must not appear. Likewise, no authinfo-fields (see below) may be used for a deletion.
Deletion: When deleting a domain via e-mail template, the domain is marked for deletion, i.e. the requested end date is set. The optional field
allows to set the requested end date. The value can be either a date in the future, e.g. 2096-02-29, or scheduled, which means that the domain will be deleted at its scheduled end date. If deletion-date is not specified, the deletion will take place at the earliest possible date.
Note that the effective deletion from our system does only take place in the course of specific maintenance phases that are scheduled in regular intervals. Thus, the deletion can be canceled using our web interface until the beginning of the relevant maintenance phase.
Next to domain, the complete domain name has to be given. For example: domain: Only one domain name can be given per e-mail application form.
The field comment can be used to save a free-text comment about this domain.
With the language parameter you can specify a language code for the domain name. The language code can be used to determine possible alternative notations of the name. Especially in asian regions it occurs that there are several different ways to represent the same term. Some registries offer to include possible alternative notations in a registration or to block their registration by third parties. Knipp's DRS is already featured with this option, so you can use this field to specify a language code.

Domain holder (section 2)

[ServletException in:/domains/types/enum/appli-help.en.jsp] Datei [/domains/includes/appli-help/section2_de_intro.en.jsp] nicht gefunden'
print (C) 1996-2025 Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH|webmaster@knipp.de