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.de Domains
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.eu Domains
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OverviewIDN ExtensionsFAQWhoisRegister OnlineE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration TermsDispute Resolution Policy
OverviewIDN ExtensionsWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration TermsDispute Resolution Policy
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Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
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Take-off for umlauts in .org domains

Public Interest Registry (PIR), the organization that is responsible for the administration of .org domains, has started the registration of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). On January 15th, 2005, the set of characters allowed in .org domain names has been expanded by the german umlauts “ä”, “ö” and “ü”. Therefore, it is now possible to register domain names such as “börse.org” or “motörhead.org”.
IDN registrations are based on the officially accepted Punycode standard. This standard makes it possible for compatible internet browsers to identify domain names even without installing any additional plug-ins.

Hurry up!

The registration of Internationalized Domain Names follows the well proven scheme “first come, first served”.
Registering early helps to avoid problems with popular domain names.
That means that you should register domain names as soon as possible, especially if they are particularly popular. This way, you can make sure that no one else snaps up your favorite domain names.
You can use our Domain Registration System to register domains online. Once you have chosen a name, it only takes a few seconds to register the domain. All you have to do is to login to the system with your user name and password. If you do not have an account by now, you can register in a really fast and comfortable way.

Low-priced and highly equipped

With Knipp, the prices for domain names with special characters are not higher than those for the registration of conventional domain names. And what is more, every registration comes with a huge bundle of additional services.

Hints for the registration

Unfortunately, dubious domain resellers are often the first in the row to register popular terms and even labels in order to sell them afterwards at a profit.
Why take a risk?
With Knipp, you have a reliable partner
for domain registrations and more.
Quite often, dealing with domain names is illegal. You can try to retrieve domain names with an arbitral procedure according to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. However, this is always troublesome and might even be expensive. Therefore it is advisable to observe following rules:
  • Register your domain names early.
  • Do never try to register domain names via the website of unknown or dubious domain registrars. There have been cases in which the only intention was to collect domain names in order to register them on behalf of a domain reseller, who then offered to sell the domains at a high price.
  • Do register not only one, but various different notations of your domain names. For example, if the domain name consists of multiple parts, it is a good idea to register versions with and without hyphens.
    This results in higher costs for the registration, of course, but it helps to avoid the risk of much more expensive legal disputes.
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