Special characters in .eu domains

Even before the official start of the .eu TLD in 2005, EURid announced that it planned to introduce internationalized domain names “relatively quickly” after the Go Live. Now it finally becomes true. Starting from December 10th, 2009, it will be possible to register domains like “bücher.eu” and “flüge.eu”.
282 additional characters for .eu domain names
The expansion of the character set for .eu is a considerably large one compared to the IDN introductions of other TLDs. But no wonder, since the goal is to allow the characters of all 23 official languages of the European Union. All in all, the expansion comprises 282 additionally allowed characters. Besides the usual suspects (the Umlauts) there are many other special characters from the alphabets Latin, Greek and Cyrillic.

Preregistrations for the IDN start

Knipp's free preregistration system for .eu IDNs is already open. If you want to preregister .eu domains with Umlauts or other special characters for a registration directly with the IDN start on December 10th, you can do so using the normal e-mail template for .eu domains or via the webinterface of the DRS.
Important: Unlike previously announced, from now on it is also possible to enter preregistrations for .eu IDNs via webinterface. Of course, you can still use e-mail templates for your preregistrations.
No matter how you enter your preregistrations into the DRS, the system will analyze the domain name and detect whether it is an IDN or not. If so, your request will be enqueued to be sent out right with the IDN start on December 10th. Non-IDN operations will be processed as usual, of course.
At Knipp, preregistrations are free of charge
Placing domain names in our preregistration system is free of charge. You will only be billed for a successful registration, and even then only the normal amount for the registration of a .eu domain becomes due. You can use the webinterface t o view your .eu-IDN preregistrations and also cancel them anytime until shortly before the actual start.

That's how the e-mail template works

Simply fill out the fields as you can see in the examples that are contained within the template, and send the completed form to drs@knipp.de.
In order to allow e-mail templates to be processed by the DRS, you have to provide your e-mail password in section “Customer data”, not the one for the web interface!
You have received the e-mail password during your registration at Knipp, together with the password for the web interface. You can have it resent to you by using the Forgotten Login Data?. function.
In case that you need more information on the meaning of the fields, you can refer to the e-mail template help for .eu domains.
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