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FAQTechnical Documentation
DRS Documentation
General FAQ
Whois Accuracy Program (WAP)
Domain Types
OverviewIDN ExtensionsIDN character setFAQWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.de Domains
OverviewIDN ExtensionsFAQWhoisRegister OnlineE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration TermsThe .eu Code of Conduct
.eu Domains
.biz.com/.net.info.name.orgNew Generic TLDs
Generic Domains
Sponsored Domains
Template Help
.ac Ascension Island
.af Afghanistan
.ag Antigua and Barbuda
.at Austria
.au Australia
.be Belgium
.bz Belize
.ca Canada
.cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands
OverviewRegister OnlineE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.ch/.li Switzerland and Liechtenstein
OverviewFAQWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.cn China
.co Colombia
.cx Christmas Island
.cz Czech Republic
.dk Denmark
.es Spain
.fi Finland
.fr France
.gg Guernsey
.gl Greenland
.gr Greece
.gs South Georgia
.hn Honduras
.hm Heard and McDonald Islands
.hn Honduras
.hu Hungary
.ie Ireland
.il Israel
.im Isle of Man
.in India
.io British Indian Ocean Territory
E-mail TemplateTemplate Help
.it Italy
.je Jersey
.jp Japan
.ki Kiribati
.kg Kyrgyzstan
.la Lao People's Democratic Republic
.li Liechtenstein
.lt Lithuania
.lu Luxembourg
.lv Latvia
.md Moldova
.mn Mongolia
.ms Montserrat
.mu Mauritius
.mx Mexico
.nf Norfolk Island
.nl Netherlands
.no Norway
.nu Niue
.nz New Zealand
.pe Peru
.ph Philippines
.pk Pakistan
.pl Poland
.pm St. Pierre and Miquelon
.pt Portugal
.re Reunion Island
.ro Romania
.ru Russian Federation
.sc Seychellen
.se Sweden
.sg Singapore
.sh St. Helena
.su Former Sovjet Union
.tc Turks and Caicos Islands
.tf French Southern Territories
.tl Timor-Leste
.to Tonga
.tr Turkey
.tv Tuvalu
.tw Taiwan
Register Online
Naming Convention
E-mail Template
Template Help
Registration Terms
.ua Ukraine
.uk United Kingdom
OverviewWhoisRegister OnlineNaming ConventionE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
.us United States of America
.uz Uzbekistan
.vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
.ve Venezuela
.vg Virgin Islands (British)
.vn Vietnam
.wf Wallis and Futuna Islands
.ws Western Samoa
.yt Mayotte
.za South Africa
Special Types
FAQE-mail TemplateTemplate HelpRegistration Terms
FAQTechnical BackgroundCountries OverviewCharacter SetsConverterExample Website
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
Redirection FAQ
Service Bundle
Price List
Application Form
Premium-Partner-Program (P3)

Important information on .tw domains


You can order domains easily by using our web interface if you are a registered customer of Knipp. Registering is easy and can be done in just a few steps.
Another possiblity is to order domains via e-mail application form. The e-mail registration has the advantage that it can be done automatically. Many customers use robots on their web site that send e-mail application forms to us. However, using these forms is suited for experts only, since they contain quite a few technical terms, which are unfortunately necessary. We have prepared a page with explanations which will help you to complete the form.

Naming regulations

Not every domain name can be registered. Read more information on the exact regulations.


Queries concerning the domain holder and other domain contacts can be made by using our whois service.

Questions and answers

We have gathered a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a clearly arranged page.

Service bundle

Beyond the actual registration of domains we also provide a large bundle of additional services. For our customers, these services are available without any additional costs.


You can view the costs for domain registrations in our our price list. We will send you invoices via postal mail after every successful registration. Additionally, you can browse your bills online.

Rules of allocation

.tw domains can be registered worldwide, even outside of Taiwan. There are no restrictions or stringent regulations like the nexus-rules for .us domains for example. There are only some basic exceptions concerning the domain names.
Registrations of .tw domains are currently possible in the second as well as in the third level. For the latter, the following subdomains are available:
club stands for “clubs”.
com stands for “commercial” use.
ebiz is an alternative to com.
game stands for “games” (of any kind).
idv stands for “individuals”.
org stands for “organizations”. This means, in many cases, charitable societies or institutions of public utility.
This classification is not compulsory. An examination of whether your domain fits into its category is not conducted.
A website could then be accessed via http://www.my-company.com.tw or http://www.my-company.tw, for example.
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