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Domain Types
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.de Domains
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.eu Domains
Generic Domains
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New Generic TLDs
New Generic TLD listing
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List of new generic TLDs

On this page, you can find a list of all generic TLDs that can currently be registered via our DRS. For a complete list of all domains that you can register with Knipp, please visit our price list. Note, however, that the prices listed there are for end customers. Those for domain resellers can be found in our P3 price list (login required).
Pos. Domain Price (EUR) Description
1 .abogado 59.00 TLD abogado
3 .academy 73.99 TLD academy
4 .accountant 49.00 TLD accountant
5 .accountants 194.90 TLD accountants
6 .actor 74.91 TLD actor
7 .adult 176.60 TLD adult
11 .africa 66.78 TLD africa
18 .agency 57.12 TLD agency
24 .airforce 58.92 TLD airforce
27 .apartments 93.82 TLD apartments
28 .app 49.00 TLD app
31 .archi 164.35 TLD archi
32 .army 64.72 TLD army
33 .art 91.45 TLD art
35 .asia 37.25 Asia
36 .associates 67.64 TLD associates
40 .attorney 103.27 TLD attorney
44 .auction 60.37 TLD auction
45 .audio 273.50 TLD audio
46 .auto 4,223.08 TLD auto
47 .autos 39.00 TLD autos
50 .baby 129.00 TLD baby
51 .band 273.50 TLD band
53 .bar 115.05 TLD bar
55 .bargains 53.81 TLD bargains
56 .bayern 59.00 TLD bayern
57 .be 67.28 Belgium
58 .beauty 39.00 TLD beauty
59 .beer 79.00 TLD beer
60 .berlin 79.73 TLD berlin
61 .best 159.00 TLD best
62 .bet 43.64 TLD bet
66 .bid 49.00 TLD bid
67 .bike 64.72 TLD bike
68 .bio 109.09 TLD bio
69 .biz 27.73 generic
70 .black 110.54 TLD black
71 .blackfriday 273.50 TLD blackfriday
72 .blog 49.00 TLD blog
73 .blue 50.69 TLD blue
74 .boats 39.00 TLD boats
75 .boutique 74.83 TLD boutique
77 .broker 1,390.00 TLD broker
78 .brussels 59.00 TLD brussels
80 .build 114.84 TLD build
81 .builders 64.72 TLD builders
82 .business 39.00 TLD business
83 .buzz 79.00 TLD buzz
87 .cab 55.26 TLD cab
88 .cam 49.00 TLD cam
89 .camera 85.92 TLD camera
90 .camp 98.90 TLD camp
91 .capetown 49.00 TLD capetown
92 .capital 117.81 TLD capital
93 .car 4,223.08 TLD car
94 .cards 74.83 TLD cards
95 .care 73.04 TLD care
96 .career 199.92 TLD career
97 .careers 120.71 TLD careers
98 .cars 4,223.08 TLD cars
99 .casa 49.00 TLD casa
100 .cash 60.37 TLD cash
101 .casino 284.35 TLD casino
102 .catering 64.72 TLD catering
104 .center 53.10 TLD center
105 .ceo 177.44 TLD ceo
106 .cfd 62.55 TLD cfd
108 .channel 273.50 TLD channel
109 .chat 85.80 TLD chat
110 .cheap 60.37 TLD cheap
111 .christmas 273.50 TLD christmas
112 .church 74.91 TLD church
113 .city 43.64 TLD city
115 .claims 107.62 TLD claims
116 .cleaning 126.53 TLD cleaning
117 .click 45.22 TLD click
118 .clinic 108.36 TLD clinic
119 .clothing 62.07 TLD clothing
120 .cloud 62.83 TLD cloud
121 .club 45.22 TLD club
130 .coach 117.81 TLD coach
131 .codes 110.54 TLD codes
132 .coffee 64.72 TLD coffee
133 .college 99.00 TLD college
134 .cologne 54.74 TLD cologne
135 .com 25.50 generic
145 .community 73.04 TLD community
146 .company 55.16 TLD company
147 .computer 74.73 TLD computer
148 .condos 96.00 TLD condos
149 .construction 74.02 TLD construction
150 .consulting 88.18 TLD consulting
151 .contact 39.00 TLD contact
152 .contractors 74.83 TLD contractors
153 .cooking 52.36 TLD cooking
154 .cool 64.72 TLD cool
155 .coop 287.68 generic
156 .country 49.00 TLD country
157 .credit 175.99 TLD credit
158 .creditcard 285.80 TLD creditcard
159 .cricket 39.00 TLD cricket
160 .cruises 103.27 TLD cruises
162 .cyou 29.08 TLD cyou
164 .dance 45.83 TLD dance
165 .date 47.65 TLD date
166 .dating 108.36 TLD dating
169 .deals 64.72 TLD deals
170 .democrat 54.55 TLD democrat
171 .dental 120.71 TLD dental
172 .desi 29.00 TLD desi
173 .design 102.46 TLD design
174 .dev 49.00 TLD dev
175 .diamonds 102.80 TLD diamonds
176 .diet 273.50 TLD diet
177 .digital 73.99 TLD digital
178 .direct 74.83 TLD direct
179 .directory 43.64 TLD directory
180 .discount 55.26 TLD discount
182 .domains 74.83 TLD domains
183 .download 74.83 TLD download
184 .durban 49.00 TLD durban
186 .earth 79.00 TLD earth
188 .eco 129.00 TLD eco
189 .education 57.45 TLD education
191 .email 50.91 TLD email
192 .energy 194.90 TLD energy
193 .engineer 64.72 TLD engineer
194 .engineering 110.54 TLD engineering
195 .enterprises 74.83 TLD enterprises
196 .equipment 69.00 TLD equipment
201 .estate 64.72 TLD estate
204 .events 98.29 TLD events
205 .exchange 73.99 TLD exchange
206 .expert 98.29 TLD expert
207 .exposed 40.01 TLD exposed
208 .fail 58.92 TLD fail
209 .faith 42.84 TLD faith
210 .family 73.99 TLD family
211 .fans 39.00 TLD fans
212 .farm 58.92 TLD farm
213 .fashion 73.99 TLD fashion
214 .feedback 23.00 TLD feedback
216 .film 152.71 TLD film
217 .finance 108.36 TLD finance
218 .financial 114.70 TLD financial
219 .fish 72.01 TLD fish
220 .fishing 52.36 TLD fishing
221 .fitness 67.64 TLD fitness
222 .flights 96.00 TLD flights
223 .florist 60.37 TLD florist
224 .flowers 273.50 TLD flowers
226 .football 129.00 TLD football
227 .foundation 74.83 TLD foundation
228 .fr 171.68 France
231 .fund 117.81 TLD fund
232 .furniture 151.26 TLD furniture
233 .futbol 31.27 TLD futbol
234 .fyi 74.83 TLD fyi
236 .gallery 45.83 TLD gallery
237 .game 620.38 TLD game
238 .garden 74.83 TLD garden
241 .gift 39.00 TLD gift
242 .gifts 74.83 TLD gifts
244 .glass 106.17 TLD glass
245 .global 154.18 TLD global
246 .gmbh 79.00 TLD gmbh
247 .golf 108.36 TLD golf
250 .graphics 55.00 TLD graphics
251 .gratis 39.00 TLD gratis
252 .green 137.46 TLD green
253 .gripe 55.26 TLD gripe
254 .group 49.00 TLD group
256 .guide 74.83 TLD guide
257 .guitars 273.50 TLD guitars
258 .guru 74.83 TLD guru
259 .hamburg 93.06 TLD hamburg
260 .haus 73.92 TLD haus
261 .health 152.80 TLD health
262 .healthcare 144.73 TLD healthcare
263 .help 39.00 TLD help
264 .hiphop 273.50 TLD hiphop
272 .holdings 108.36 TLD holdings
273 .holiday 106.17 TLD holiday
274 .homes 79.00 TLD homes
275 .horse 74.83 TLD horse
276 .host 146.89 TLD host
277 .hosting 620.38 TLD hosting
278 .house 74.91 TLD house
284 .icu 29.08 TLD icu
294 .immo 129.00 TLD immo
295 .immobilien 74.83 TLD immobilien
296 .in 67.28 India
297 .co.in 67.28 India
298 .firm.in 67.28 India
299 .gen.in 67.28 India
300 .ind.in 67.28 India
301 .net.in 67.28 India
302 .org.in 67.28 India
303 .industries 77.09 TLD industries
304 .info 36.36 generic
305 .ink 49.00 TLD ink
306 .institute 55.00 TLD institute
308 .insure 120.71 TLD insure
309 .international 62.80 TLD international
310 .investments 216.71 TLD investments
312 .irish 43.64 TLD irish
315 .jetzt 45.36 TLD jetzt
316 .jewelry 108.36 TLD jewelry
318 .jobs 324.80 TLD jobs
319 .joburg 49.00 TLD joburg
322 .juegos 620.38 TLD juegos
323 .kaufen 74.83 TLD kaufen
335 .kids 69.00 TLD kids
336 .kim 34.90 TLD kim
337 .kitchen 108.36 TLD kitchen
338 .kiwi 49.00 TLD kiwi
339 .koeln 55.10 TLD koeln
342 .land 58.92 TLD land
343 .lat 99.00 TLD lat
344 .law 236.33 TLD law
345 .lawyer 103.27 TLD lawyer
346 .lease 89.45 TLD lease
347 .legal 117.81 TLD legal
349 .life 102.80 TLD life
350 .lighting 57.36 TLD lighting
351 .limited 60.37 TLD limited
352 .limo 90.90 TLD limo
353 .link 33.68 TLD link
354 .live 74.02 TLD live
356 .loan 47.65 TLD loan
357 .loans 192.72 TLD loans
358 .lol 69.14 TLD lol
359 .london 49.00 TLD london
360 .lotto 2,426.41 TLD lotto
361 .love 74.83 TLD love
364 .luxury 829.00 TLD luxury
369 .maison 98.90 TLD maison
370 .management 55.00 TLD management
371 .market 77.09 TLD market
372 .marketing 66.76 TLD marketing
373 .markets 65.45 TLD markets
375 .me 33.45 Montenegro
376 .media 84.70 TLD media
377 .melbourne 99.00 TLD melbourne
378 .men 47.65 TLD men
379 .menu 59.00 TLD menu
382 .mobi 58.18 generisch
383 .moda 67.64 TLD moda
384 .moe 29.00 TLD moe
385 .money 105.32 TLD money
386 .monster 39.00 TLD monster
387 .mortgage 103.27 TLD mortgage
389 .motorcycles 39.00 TLD motorcycles
390 .mov 49.00 TLD mov
402 .museum 162.40 generic
407 .nagoya 50.91 TLD nagoya
409 .navy 67.64 TLD navy
410 .net 25.50 generic
417 .network 79.00 TLD network
418 .news 66.88 TLD news
430 .ngo 79.00 TLD ngo
431 .ninja 49.46 TLD ninja
435 .nrw 69.26 TLD nrw
437 .nyc 74.02 TLD nyc
440 .observer 39.00 TLD observer
441 .okinawa 26.92 TLD okinawa
442 .one 40.90 TLD one
443 .onl 23.00 TLD onl
444 .online 90.90 TLD online
445 .org 24.75 generic
448 .organic 141.81 TLD organic
450 .paris 79.00 TLD paris
451 .partners 117.81 TLD partners
452 .parts 67.64 TLD parts
453 .party 47.65 TLD party
456 .pet 49.00 TLD pet
461 .photo 60.37 TLD photo
462 .photography 60.37 TLD photography
463 .photos 55.00 TLD photos
464 .pics 55.00 TLD pics
465 .pictures 24.00 TLD pictures
466 .pink 49.98 TLD pink
470 .pl 171.68 Poland
473 .place 49.00 TLD place
474 .plumbing 120.71 TLD plumbing
475 .plus 77.09 TLD plus
477 .porn 176.60 TLD porn
478 .press 133.28 TLD press
479 .pro 79.00 Professional
480 .productions 74.83 TLD productions
481 .promo 55.00 TLD promo
482 .properties 64.72 TLD properties
483 .property 273.50 TLD property
484 .protection 4,129.00 TLD protection
489 .pub 74.83 TLD pub
494 .qpon 55.00 TLD qpon
496 .racing 42.84 TLD racing
499 .recipes 132.35 TLD recipes
500 .red 34.90 TLD red
501 .reise 240.00 TLD reise
502 .reisen 66.85 TLD reisen
503 .rentals 74.91 TLD rentals
504 .repair 74.83 TLD repair
505 .report 49.00 TLD report
506 .republican 58.92 TLD republican
507 .rest 74.83 TLD rest
508 .restaurant 106.17 TLD restaurant
509 .review 42.84 TLD review
510 .reviews 103.27 TLD reviews
511 .rich 3,948.97 TLD rich
513 .rocks 54.86 TLD rocks
514 .rodeo 49.00 TLD rodeo
521 .ruhr 60.93 TLD ruhr
522 .ryukyu 23.00 TLD ryukyu
523 .saarland 49.00 TLD saarland
524 .sale 74.83 TLD sale
525 .sarl 55.26 TLD sarl
526 .sbs 23.00 TLD sbs
531 .schule 62.80 TLD schule
532 .science 74.83 TLD science
535 .security 4,129.00 TLD security
536 .services 74.73 TLD services
537 .sex 199.92 TLD sex
538 .sexy 5,559.68 TLD sexy
542 .shiksha 23.00 TLD shiksha
543 .shoes 106.17 TLD shoes
544 .shop 79.00 TLD shop
545 .shopping 79.00 TLD shopping
546 .show 65.45 TLD show
548 .singles 53.81 TLD singles
549 .site 74.83 TLD site
551 .ski 110.54 TLD ski
553 .social 64.72 TLD social
554 .software 64.72 TLD software
555 .solar 106.17 TLD solar
556 .solutions 74.30 TLD solutions
557 .soy 49.00 TLD soy
558 .space 76.28 TLD space
560 .spreadbetting 42,760.45 TLD spreadbetting
562 .storage 3,223.00 TLD storage
563 .store 91.39 TLD store
564 .stream 79.00 TLD stream
565 .studio 74.02 TLD studio
566 .style 74.83 TLD style
568 .sucks 570.01 TLD sucks
569 .supplies 55.00 TLD supplies
570 .supply 49.00 TLD supply
571 .support 74.61 TLD support
572 .surgery 91.63 TLD surgery
575 .systems 57.45 TLD systems
576 .tattoo 49.00 TLD tattoo
577 .tax 117.81 TLD tax
579 .team 98.29 TLD team
580 .tech 93.06 TLD tech
581 .technology 69.00 TLD technology
583 .tennis 100.35 TLD tennis
586 .theater 106.17 TLD theater
587 .tickets 829.00 TLD tickets
588 .tienda 96.00 TLD tienda
589 .tips 55.00 TLD tips
590 .tirol 102.80 TLD tirol
597 .today 62.81 TLD today
598 .tokyo 50.91 TLD tokyo
599 .tools 74.83 TLD tools
600 .top 26.18 TLD top
601 .town 62.55 TLD town
602 .toys 108.36 TLD toys
609 .trade 74.83 TLD trade
610 .trading 159.00 TLD trading
611 .training 72.80 TLD training
612 .travel 287.68 generic
614 .tw 162.40 Taiwan
616 .com.tw 74.97 Taiwan
628 .university 103.27 TLD university
629 .uno 49.00 TLD uno
636 .vacations 64.72 TLD vacations
643 .vegas 99.00 TLD vegas
644 .ventures 102.80 TLD ventures
645 .versicherung 249.00 TLD versicherung
646 .vet 69.82 TLD vet
650 .viajes 79.00 TLD viajes
651 .video 74.83 TLD video
652 .villas 102.54 TLD villas
653 .vision 74.83 TLD vision
654 .vlaanderen 59.00 TLD vlaanderen
663 .vodka 52.36 TLD vodka
664 .voting 1,269.00 TLD voting
665 .voyage 98.90 TLD voyage
666 .wang 23.00 TLD wang
667 .watch 72.80 TLD watch
668 .webcam 49.00 TLD webcam
669 .website 62.80 TLD website
670 .wedding 74.83 TLD wedding
672 .wien 74.83 TLD wien
673 .wiki 54.95 TLD wiki
674 .win 47.65 TLD win
675 .wine 102.80 TLD wine
676 .work 49.00 TLD work
677 .works 64.72 TLD works
678 .world 73.99 TLD world
680 .wtf 74.83 TLD wtf
682 .xyz 34.65 TLD xyz
683 .yachts 79.00 TLD yachts
684 .yokohama 23.00 TLD yokohama
687 .zone 74.83 TLD zone
691 .орг 23.00 TLD орг
694 .شبكة 23.00 TLD شبكة
695 .संगठन 23.00 TLD संगठन
696 .みんな 49.00 TLD みんな
700 .企业 218.00 TLD 企业
703 .商店 218.00 TLD 商店
706 .机构 23.00 TLD 机构
707 .移动 23.00 TLD 移动
708 .网站 31.48 TLD 网站
Asterisks* mark domains with minimum registration terms of more than one year.
Errors and omissions excepted.
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