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Instructions for filling out the e-mail application formfor .info domains

Follow this link to the e-mail application form.
This page describes the most important parameters of the e-mail application form. The respective parts of the template are shown within a colored area, with helpful comments located below them. Self-explanatory parameters like email will not be mentioned here.
The e-mail application form is intended for experts and the automated processing by robots. You will need technical experience to fill out the form, e.g. to give the correct information in section 6. If you are not sure about the meaning of all the terms, you should use the comfortable web interface of our DRS.
The form is divided into multiple sections:

E-mail application form

Introduction (section 0)

#   |       |
#   | knipp |                        Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
#    -------
All the lines beginning with # are comments and can be ignored. These lines are only used to improve structure and readability. The same is true for blank lines. They are only used to clearly arrange the form and can be added or deleted arbitrarily.
         section: 0
The application form is divided into several sections. Each section forms a chapter by itself and is separated from the other chapters by the key section. Do not remove these lines.
          doc-id: appli-en-info.txt
         version: 4.1.3
Is required for further processing by Knipp. Please do not delete.
You can insert any text you like here. This text will be quoted in all of the responses of our system. This allows for an easy recognition and classification of your applications by your robots, if you want to automatically process our responses.
You might want to use this field to indicate reference numbers of your customers, for example, or a contract number, etc.

Registration data (section 1)

           section: 1
          language: de
With the mode-parameter you can define if you wish to perform a new registration ( mode: new), a transfer from another registrar (mode: ctsr), an update ( mode: update), or a deletion ( mode: delete). An update can be used to modify the contact data or to change the WWW forwardings, for instance. If you leave the mode-parameter empty, a new registration will be initiated.
Important: If you choose mode: update you must fill out all sections, not only the parts to change. For mode: delete, only the sections 0, 1, 7, and 8 may be filled. The sections from 2 to 6 must not appear. Likewise, no authinfo-fields (see below) may be used for a deletion.
mode: update-dnssec: Due to its DNSSEC support there is an additional mode for this TLD that allows for a quick update of the DNSSEC data. In this mode it is sufficient to include the new DNSSEC data in section 6 of the form. The other domain data will remain unchanged. An optional comment can be included in section 1 to be stored with the domain. Please refer to our example template for a DNSSEC update and mind the note on PGP signing in section 6.
In a similar fashion, for mode: update-dnssec only the sections 0, 1, 6, 7 and 8 may be used. The sections 2 to 5 may not appear, while section 6 must solely contain the new DS- or DNSKEY entries.
Deletion: When deleting a domain via e-mail template, the domain is marked for deletion, i.e. the requested end date is set. The optional field
allows to set the requested end date. The value can be either a date in the future, e.g. 2096-02-29, or scheduled, which means that the domain will be deleted at its scheduled end date. If deletion-date is not specified, the deletion will take place at the earliest possible date.
Note that the effective deletion from our system does only take place in the course of specific maintenance phases that are scheduled in regular intervals. Thus, the deletion can be canceled using our web interface until the beginning of the relevant maintenance phase.
For .eu, .com, .net, .biz, .info, .mobi and .us domains, a 30 day Redemption Grace Period starts with the deletion (40 days in case of .eu). During this period, the deleted domain cannot be registered by third parties and is free to be reactivated by the former registrant. (This results in costs, however.) For other top level domains a similar mechanism does not exist.
Creation and update of handles: In addition to the possibilities described above, you can also create new handles or update the data of an existing handle with the modes mode: new-contact and mode: update-contact. To do so, the sections 0, 1, 2, 7 and 8 have to be filled, with the complete new contact data in section 2.
Here is an example template for the creation of a new handle for com/net domains. Simply replace the sections 0 and 8 by the corresponding sections from the correct e-mail template.
Next to domain, the complete domain name has to be given. For example: domain: my-company.info. Only one domain name can be given per e-mail application form.
The field comment can be used to save a free-text comment about this domain.
With the language parameter you can specify a language code for the domain name. The language code can be used to determine possible alternative notations of the name. Especially in asian regions it occurs that there are several different ways to represent the same term. Some registries offer to include possible alternative notations in a registration or to block their registration by third parties. Knipp's DRS is already featured with this option, so you can use this field to specify a language code.
For .info domains, however, language: de is the only possible option and is consequently preset in the template.
Use the period field to specify the duration of the registration in years. Normally, the only value allowed here is 2. In certain exceptional cases it may be possible to enter different values.
authinfo is some kind of password, which is required for changing the registrar of a domain. It thus protects you against unauthorized persons initiating such an operation. You can choose it freely during the registration of a new domain. It must consist of at least 4 and at most 16 characters. Example: authinfo: secret-123. The field authinfo may be omitted; in this case, the system automatically generates a suitable and secure character string, which you can view in the DRS web interface.
If at some time you want to change the sponsoring registrar (CTSR), you have to know the authinfo for the respective domain and to name it in this field. This proves that you are authorized to request the change. At the same time, you have to constitute a new password by using the new-authinfo-field. This specification is mandatory. The same rules concerning the characters apply for new-authinfo, of course, since it becomes the authinfo for the domain after the change.
Important: The authinfo-fields may not be used for deletions (i.e. mode: delete).
Important: The new-authinfo-field is only neccessary to change the registrar and may not be used for updates or for the registration of a new domain!

Domain holder (section 2)

The registrant is the designated holder of the domain. This can be a natural person or a legal person.
In case of a natural person, only person has to be filled out. If the holder is a legal person (e.g. a company), you have to specify it at organization in any case. Nevertheless, a contact person must also be given at field person
The parameter address-1 is intended for the street address. Filling this field is mandatory. address-2 and address-3 can be used for additional entries (for the zip-code or other add-ons).
The postal-code-parameter (mandatory field) is intended for the zip/postal code, while city (mandatory as well) holds the name of town. state (Region, Area, Province, State) is an optional parameter, as opposed to country. The country parameter is required to hold the international country code representation according to ISO-3166, like “DE”, “AT”, or “CH”. This field is case-insensitive (so using “de” or “De” will work as well), but it may not contain periphrases like “Germany” or “Switzerland”!
Specifying a phone number in field phone is mandatory. The number has to be given in the following format: +CCC.NNNNN, where CCC represents the country code (e.g. 49 for Germany) and NNNN is the actual number including the area code. Using a plus sign in front of the country code and a dot to separate it from the rest of the number is mandatory, too. Example: +49.8912345678
If a fax number is available, it can be specified at fax. The format has to be the same as in phone.
Analogue to the authinfo-field in section 1 (Registration data). This parameter might become necessary in the future. Independently of the actual usage at the registry, this field has to be filled out by now already.
The field authinfo may be omitted; in this case, the system automatically generates a suitable and secure character string, which you can view in the DRS web interface.
handle provides an alternative way to specify contact data. With every successful registration of a domain, a handle is being created for every contact provided during the registration process. Once you have a handle for a set of contact data, you don't have to manually fill out the fields if you want to use the same data again. Instead, it suffices to specify the appropriate handle in this field. This saves you a lot of typing. If you fill out the fields and enter a handle at the same time, the values specified in the fields will be ignored and those from the handle will be taken instead.
Example: handle: C185068-LRMS.
Important: The different top level domains each require their own set of handles. For example, .biz handles can not be used for .info domains, even if both handles specify the same contact data!

Administrator (section 3)

The administrator is an authorized person who is acting on behalf of the registrant. He can, for example, request modifications of a domain. The administrator and the holder of a domain can be the same person. The administrator can be a legal department or an external office, as it is often the case with larger companies.
The parameters have to be filled out in the same way as described for the domain holder (or by specifying a handle).

Technical contact (section 4)

The technical contact is the contact person for technical concerns. He is responsible for operating the name servers, for instance.
The parameters have to be filled out in the same way as described for the domain holder (or by specifying a handle).

Billing contact (section 5)

The billing contact is the person who responsible for the payment within an organization. This distinction is reasonable in larger companies, although in the majority of cases the billing contact is identical to the domain holder.
The parameters have to be filled out in the same way as described for the domain holder (or by specifying a handle).

Technical data (section 6)

The completion of this section requires some amount of previous technical knowledge. It will be difficult for you to specify the proper values without an adequate knowledge of the technical background. Some basic terms are listed in our glossary. If you are not familiar with these terms, we suggest that you use the comfortable web interface of our DRS, which will assist you with helpful information.
For registered domains, several different modes of operation with many variants exist. In the enumeration below we have only listed those modes that can be configured by means of this e-mail application form. All the other variants, including mixed ones, can be adjusted via our DRS.

Domain parking

You do not need to actually use the domain right away, but you want to register it already. You can easily do this by providing the following entries:
   ns-domain-name1: ns2.knipp.de
   ns-domain-name2: ns3.knipp.de
The remaining parameters of this section (not listed here) remain empty. Whenever you want to start using the domain, you can update these entries free of charge.

E-mail and WWW forwarding

All http requests shall be forwarded to an existing URL. All e-mails targeted at this domain shall be forwarded to another e-mail address. Example:
    www-forwarding: http://students.example.edu/home/~jjones/index.htm
  email-forwarding: j.jones@aol.com
The remaining parameters of this section (not listed here) remain empty. Our DRS provides several other features, like multiple e-mail forwardings, etc. See our frequently asked questions and answers on forwardings for more information.

All the name servers operated by the customer

You operate all the name servers by yourself.
   ns-domain-name1: your-first-dns.some-domain.de
   ns-domain-name2: your-second-dns.new-domain.info
   ns-domain-name3: possibly-another-dns.other-domain.de
If one of the name servers that you operate is part of a .info zone, then you have to additionally provide the IP address of that server in the corresponding “ns-ip-address” field.
The other parameters of this section (not listed here) remain empty.

Slave name server operated by Knipp

You operate one name server by yourself, while the slave name server shall be operated by Knipp. We provide this service free of charge, by the way. Please use ns3.knipp.de for this purpose. Example:
   ns-domain-name1: dns.your-server.de
   ns-domain-name2: ns3.knipp.de
If one of the name servers that you operate is part of a .info zone, then you have to additionally provide the IP address of that server in the corresponding “ns-ip-address” field. Example:
   ns-domain-name1: your-first-dns.new-domain.info
   ns-domain-name2: ns3.knipp.de

Stealth name server (formerly known as hidden primary)

You operate the master name server yourself but do not want it to be known to the outside world for some reason. In this case, Knipp can operate the official name servers for you, which then retrieve the data from your name server. You just have to specify the IP address of your name server (which is the stealth name server in that case). This service by Knipp is free of charge. Example:
The other parameters of this section (not listed here) remain empty.
Important: Please make sure that the name servers “ns2.knipp.de” and “ns3.knipp.de” are allowed to carry out zone transfers from your system.

Knipp operates the name servers

Knipp shall operate the name servers, but you would like to define the data to be used in the zone. In the example below, a WWW server is supposed to be entered, to which the domain itself points, as well as a mail relay.
          nsentry1: my-domain.info. IN A
          nsentry2: www IN A
          nsentry3: mail IN MX 10 smtp.provider.de.
The other parameters of this section (not listed here) remain empty. Additional entries or modifications are possible by using our DRS.
Important: If you would like to add zone entries, whose first entry is empty (the so-called owner-entry), you have to put the whole entry in quotation marks. Leaving it blank means that the entry of the previous line will be used. Example:
          nsentry1: my-domain.info. IN A
          nsentry2: " IN MX 10 smtp.provider.de."
          nsentry3: " IN MX 20 backup.provider.de."
          nsentry4: www IN A
Please bear in mind that MX-entries can point to host names only, but never to IP addresses (the host names used here are “smtp.example.com.” and “backup.example.com.”, respectively). Remember that MX-entries of a different domain than the domain itself must always end with a dot as shown in the example above. (backup.example.com<DOT>)
Giving lock: yes offers the possibility to automatically set a lock on a domain after a successful registration or a successful transfer. By omitting this field (or by giving lock: no, respectively) no lock will be set as usual. (This option is not available for .de and .eu domains, since neither DENIC nor EURid support a lock function on the Registry level.)


Zwei Arten von DNSSEC-Daten können angegeben werden: DS-Records und DNSKEY-Records.
Die Anzahl der Records im E-Mail-Formular ist nicht beschränkt. Die Namen der Felder bleiben dabei unverändert, also immer „ds“ oder „dnskey“. Falls mehr Records angegeben werden als die Registry erlaubt wird ein Fehler zurückgeliefert.
Das Format der Einträge ist das in RFC 4034 definierte RDATA-Darstellungs-Format:
                ds: <key-tag> <alg> <digest-type> <digest>
            dnskey: <flags> <protocol> <alg> <pub-key>
Die Platzhalter für DS-Records haben folgende Bedeutung:
Der Key-Tag des DNSKEY-Records, auf den sich der DS-Record bezieht.
Der Algorithmus des DNSKEY-Records, auf den sich der DS-Record bezieht.
Der Algorithmus, mit dem der Digest des DNSKEY-Records erzeugt wurde.
Der Digest des DNSKEY-Records, auf den sich der DS-Record bezieht, in hexadezimaler Darstellung. Leerzeichen innerhalb des Wertes sind erlaubt.
Die Platzhalter für DNSKEY-Records haben folgende Bedeutung:
Die Flags die angeben, ob der Record einen DNS-Zonen-Schlüssel enthält und ob der Schlüssel als sicherer Einsprungpunkt verwendet werden soll. Erlaubte Werte: 0, 256, 257.
Das Protokoll. Muß den Wert 3 haben.
Der kryptographische Algorithmus des öffentlichen Schlüssels.
Der öffentliche Schlüssel, in Base64 kodiert. Leerzeichen innerhalb des Wertes sind erlaubt.
Hinweis zur PGP-Signierung: Um den Sinn von DNSSEC nicht zu konterkarieren und eine unverfälschte Übermittlung der Daten zu garantieren, emfpiehlt es sich, E-Mails mit DNSSEC-Daten mittels PGP zu signieren. Bitte wenden Sie sich dazu an den Knipp-Support, der die Signier-Funktion für Sie freischaltet und Ihren öffentlichen PGP-Schlüssel entgegennimmt.

Customer data (section 7)

Please provide your 5-digit customer number at customer-no, and your e-mail password in field password. (Attention: Your e-mail password is required here, not the one used for the web interface). Each employee of a company receives his own unique access data. This ensures that the DRS can identify which person within your company initiated which process.

Registration terms and conditions (section 8)

           section: 8
accept-agb: http://drs.knipp.de/.../agb-rev...-en.txt
accept-registry: http://drs.knipp.de/domains/types/.../reg-rev...-en.txt
These fields have to be included as in the template without any changes.

General information

Please note the following information concerning this e-mail application form:
  • Please do not send e-mail applications in HTML-format. Always use the so-called ASCII-format instead. Every modern e-mail client provides a way to adjust this.
  • Each line in the form holds one key-value pair, with key and value being separated by a colon. Example: organization: My Company Ltd.. The value has to be on the same line as the key. The value must not be wrapped to the next line in case the the maximum number of characters is exceeded. Make sure to configure your e-mail client accordingly.
  • Whitespace (blanks) before and after the key and behind the separator (colon) will be ignored. So, you can use whitespace to arrange the text and thus to increase the readability of the request.
  • You can also use local language characters for the values of the contacts. These characters will automatically be converted to the corresponding ASCII characters. For example: Albrecht-Dürer-Street 5 will be converted to Albrecht-Duerer-Street 5. Note: It is safer to directly enter the ASCII version, because not all local language characters can be converted correctly. (All characters in the domain-field remain unmodified, of course.)
  • Please send the completed e-mail application forms to the address drs@knipp.de. Do not use support@knipp.de for this purpose. This second address is designated for general requests to our support team.
print (C) 1996-2025 Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH|webmaster@knipp.de