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Register and manage .museum domains.
FAQ - frequently asked questions and answers
Inquire helpful information on existing domains.
Read who is allowed to register domains under this TLD.
Small price - big bargain.
Registrations, renewals, modifications. All prices at a glance.
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Museums on the Internet

Nothing shop-soiled

Unfortunately, museums are sometimes considered shop-soiled or boring. Often this image fails reality. In fact, since end of 2001, museums have their own place in the internet: the top-level domain “.museum”.
Now, museums can arrange their internet presence or their e-mail traffic by using their own domain. Every museum is even allowed to register multiple domains. There is a definition of what can be considered a museum. Interestingly enough even virtual museums are accepted, i.e. those which solely exist on the Internet.

Problem and solution

Often interesting domain names are already taken below the common top level domains, especially the short and easy to memorize ones. But typically these domain names are of vital importance for the world of museums.
This is where the .museum domain comes in to fill the gap. The most interesting domain names can be registered by eligible parties. And all that without the risk of losing the domains to the holders of name rights of other branches, because they cannot take over the domain name by legal action.
.museum domains can be used in the same way as the well known .com, .net, or .de domains. For example for web or e-mail addresses.
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